An Unaccountable Delay, Passepartout!

It couldn't be more ironic: we were beautifully on track to release 80 Days to the world on the 24th - this Thursday. But at the last minute, unforeseen circumstances - exactly the kind which Monsieur Phileas Fogg does not believe in - have scuppered our plans. We will now be launching on July 31st.

The best-laid plans

We had everything in place: review copies have gone out, and we've been watching journalists race each other around the world via the live-feed (here's a time-lapse of that):


But it turns out this week is one filled with big App Store releases: so big, in fact, we've been asked to move 80 Days to next week. That means an extra seven days of waiting for players, and an unbearable extra seven days of nervousness for us, until we find out what you make of the game.

In the meantime...

If you can't wait that long, here's a video preview, courtesy of App Spy's James Gilmour: if you watch on an iPad, you can pretend to press the buttons and imagine the game is out already.

(Coincidentally, you can see James' playthrough on the animation above: he's the one, sitting in Paris until Day 7, just scooping up money from the bank while everyone else races on ahead.)

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